Checklist before uploading data

Each upload is done according to its data type. Pointscene automatically selects the correct upload type for your data!
You can always open multiple tabs for uploading multiple data types, to speed up the process.

You can find specific upload instructions for each data type.

Upload raster = Use this if you have orthophotos (.tif, .png, .jpg) and/or a raster design map as GeoTIFF (no DSM / DTM Surfaces!)
Upload point clouds = Use this if you have point clouds (.laz, .las, NOT E57!)
Upload files = Use this if you have LandXML surfaces, IFC-models, 360-images (ratio 2:1), E57 point clouds (can include 360 images), GeoTiff Sufaces models (DSM / DTM), DWG, DXF, DGN or “support request” datafiles that are not automatically processed by Pointscene.

Once you are ready to upload make sure…

  • your file is not corrupted
    1. If the file size is only kilo bytes, it most likely is corrupted. Some cloud services cannot handle large files when downloading multiple at the same time.
  • you know the data type
    • Data types:
      • Point clouds in LAS, LAZ, E57 format, in projected Coordinate Reference System
        • We recommend the size of a typical drone flight (1km2, 250m x 4km,..)
        • Point clouds are displayed with a 1cm resolution
        • Absolute maximum of 100 000 000 points in one file
        • Ortho photos: TIF (+TFW), JP2/JPG + JGW, PNG + PGW
          • We recommend the size of a typical drone flight (1km2, 250m x 4km,..)
          • maximum of 10km2
        • Surface data, elevation data (DTM, DSM): TIF (+TFW), LandXML
        • Original drone images (Geo-tagged)
        • 360 images (Images as “equirectangular 2:1 ratio”, JPG format and orientations from image or as CSV (contact for more info))
        • IFC Models 2×3, max 50 MB
        • LandXML files, max 50 MB and we only support surfaces and break lines.
          • If your xml upload fails, try uploading the files one by one. If only one file fails, all will fail.
        • Drawings as DWG, DXF, DGN are processed to the 2D map as an overlay map. They can include 3D values for the line work, but not 3D objects.
        • If you have other data (e.g. ecw orthophotos, vector data, shp, gpk, geojson,..) you can use “Support request” upload from upload file page. We can add some other data formats manually to your site.
  • you have done preprocessing to your data
    • Data types:
      • Point clouds can be cleaned and classified
        • you can upload multiple files at once. In this case, they will be merged together to be one layer.
      • Rasters must be geolocated or have a known XYZ shift.
        • You can upload multiple rasters (orthophotos & surface models (DSM/DTM) at a time. You can also merge rasters with Pointscene
  • you know the data’s coordinate system and the EPSG code. Code numbers are listed at
  • the data files are named rationally. The names cannot be changed after uploading. Do not use any extra dots (.) in file names besides the one before the file extension ie. 20230314_ortho.tif instead of 2023.03.14.ortho.tif.
  • you have the Editor or Owner role in the Site to be able to upload. Site Owner or Pointscene support can help if you are not.

Note! Pointscene is happy to help you with your data. The system is developing all the time, so we will support more and more data types as time goes by! Contact us if you have any problems!

Most common errors our users get when uploadind data