Surfaces DSM & DTM

Upload Surfaces using the Upload files page!

Updating legacy surfaces (uploaded before 11/2023)

Click UPDATE and OK for updating. You will get an email once it is done (1-10min).
Delete the old layer once you have got the new one.
Upload new surfaces using the Upload Files page.
Click on OPTIONS for adjusting visualization and min-max values.
Contour lines
You can set your own min-max values. You can see the default range for reference or RESET back to defalts.
APPLY TO ALL button sets the same min-max values for all Surfaces in the site. This way you can compare them more easily.
Compare Surfaces when they have the same min-max value to spot the differences more easily.
You can select one Surface layer into one share link. NOTE! You cannot have orthos and surfaces in the same link. Your min-max settings will be saved in the share link. The values will not be updated after creating the share link.
You can share surfaces the same way as orthophotos. You don’t have to wait 15 minutes for there surface WMS layers.
You can share and combine the share link layers as you wish in the software of your choice.

Please contact support ( if you have any, even minor, issues!