How to measure in 2D

Pointscene has multiple measuring tools that allow you to measure items seen in orthophotos and other map items.

Measure length in Pointscene 2D:


Measure area in Pointscene 2D:

Open and open your site by clicking on the name of the site.

Once you have your map open, you can choose what map items are visible and what date range is in use from the left panel.

Once you find the area and data of interest you can start measuring by clicking MEASURE.

Select DISTANCE or AREA and start clicking the measurement.

End the measuring by:

  • Right-click
  • Double click
  • With areas, click the first point again
  • Click on DISTANCE / AREA again

Note! Measurements will be visible all the time until you click CLEAR or refresh the page. Closing the measure tool will not hide the measurements!


You can snap to existing notes and other measurements!