500+ Worksites
From full end-to-end data management solutions to specific solutions we’ve served the biggest Nordic construction companies.

Metsäpirtti composting station – Helsinki Region Environmental services
Metsäpirtti composting station in Sipoo processes sludge into gardening soils. Pointscene is used for stockpile management, volume calculations and contractor invoicing.
Read case studyDistrict Heating Network Project DC LTO by Fortum
The District Heating Network project aims to connect the data center waste heat in Kirkkonummi to the district heating network in Espoo. This extensive infrastructure project involves planning, engineering, and execution to enhance the region's sustainable energy solutions. Pointscene is used to manage drone data and quantities, providing valuable situational awereness.
Read case studyPahkakoski Wind Farm – Finland
KSBR is constructing the infrastructure for the Ilmatar's 30-wind turbine park in Pahkakoski, increasing the sustainable energy production in Finland. Pointscene has provided KSBR with tools to significantly improve plan updates and communication. Sharing a picture or a 3D model with reality capture data increases the efficiency of communication and prevents costly mistakes from happening.
Read case studyThe Kalasatama-Pasila Project: A pilot for increasing sustainability and circular economy
The Kalasatama-Pasila Project is a new 4.5 km tramway from Kalasatama to Pasila. With a focus on sustainability, accessibility and efficiency, this project is set to redefine the way residents commute, bridging key areas of the city and promoting eco-friendly modes of transport.
Read case studyThe Biggest Bridge in Finland: The Crown Bridges Consortium
The Crown Bridges Light Rail project (Kruunusillat) in Helsinki aims to improve transportation and create new connections with the innovative use of technologies such as drone mapping and 3D modeling - while the cloud-based platform Pointscene streamlines communication and collaboration among stakeholders. The Crown Bridges Consortium formed by Kreate and YIT Finland Ltd is utilizing Pointscene in the project while building the biggest bridge in Finland.
Read case studyTerrafame Mine – E. Hartikainen Oy
E.Hartikainen at Terrafame Mine has harnessed the power of real-time data access, improving communication, and streamlined remote instructions to achieve remarkable results.
Read case studyMt 180 Kirjalansalmi’s and Hessundinsalmi’s bridge renewels
Kreate's use of Pointscene and other platforms is essential to the success of this project, as it allows them to manage drone data efficiently and effectively, leading to improved decision-making and better results.
Read case studyRaidejokeri: In Urban Infrastructure Projects, Rapid Situational Awareness is Crucial
The Jokeri Light Rail is a large construction site around Helsinki Metropolitan area. The area requires rapid situational awareness, that now is provided by Pointscene's automated web service for orthoimages.
Read case studyTurku E18 Ring Road: Drones became irreplaceable once they were part of the workflow
Road construction in Finland always includes surprises with the rock bed and terrain. With accurate as-built documentation and data, workers can make decisions with confidence. As a result, the whole E18 Turku ring road project finished early (6mo) and under budget (-10%).
Read case study8 months ahead of schedule and 20% under budget: E6 Arnkvern-Moel, Norway – Veidekke
Norwegian construction and civil engineering company Veidekke built a new section of the E6 Norway, the main North-South route throughout Norway and the West Coast of Sweden. The motorway project finished ahead of time by 8 months and under budget by 15-20%.
Read case studyLauttasaari bridge: keeps citizens aware of changes
Lauttasaari bridge is on a popular biking route in Helsinki. Communication between the construction site to citizens is crucial when working in main paths to the city centre. The city of Helsinki has goals for reducing the disbenefits caused by road work and has noted that communication is one of the biggest reducing factors.
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