News Release Notes

Release Notes 7.9.2020

Pointscene is more and more about sharing data with your favorite tools and making data accessible for all work site stakeholders. For this reason, we needed more diverse ways of making share links.

Update 1: Custom Group Share Links


Now you can make custom groups, for example, a share link for all data in work block 4 in May 2020 or all orthos that are inside one city but not the neighboring cities and share city-specific info for all cities. There are endless ways to make a combination to work for your needs!

Go to Publish Data and users with owner-role can create a custom group of orthos into a share link. The share link will consist only of the selected layers (one or more) and automatically makes a combination layer out of the selected layers.


How to Use Share Links


Update 2: Improvements to Volume Tool

Thank you for your feedback, as now we have a more precise volume tool that works with high-resolution data. No more need to downsize rasters to 10cm or more! We have completely updated the back-end of the volume tool, even though it seems to look the same.


  • Can use high-resolution rasters up to 3cm
  • Performs faster even with bigger areas!
  • Print to PDF
  • Bug fixes like z-value updates and coloring issues


How to Use Volume Tool